
Article of Faith_ The enjoyment of the Lord is our power, By Femi Aribisala

The gospel is nice info, nonetheless sadly, most Christians are socialised on harmful info.


Adam and Eve initially lived in God’s paradise, the Yard of Eden. They lived in a state of bliss on account of: “In (God’s) presence is fullness of delight; at (His) correct hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11).

They did not ought to work to make a residing. God supplied each half they needed. All that He required of them was to tend the yard. Moreover, they’d peace like a river, the peace that flows from God.


Nevertheless as soon as they disobeyed God by consuming the forbidden fruit on the event of the devil, sin entered the world. With sin, demise moreover entered on account of the wages of sin demise. (Romans 6:23).

When God threw them out of the Yard and prevented them from returning, they won’t be in His presence. Subsequently, sorrow moreover entered the world on account of they won’t profit from the pleasure of the Lord. They not beloved the enjoyment that comes from God’s presence.

Decree of Sorrow

Moreover, God pronounced a sentence of sorrow on them. “To the woman He talked about: ‘I will vastly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in ache you shall carry forth children; your need shall be in your husband, and he shall rule over you.’ Then to Adam He talked about, ‘Because of you may need heeded the voice of your partner, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: ‘Cursed is the underside in your sake; in toil you shall eat of all of it the instances of your life. Every thorns and thistles it shall carry forth for you, and likewise you shall eat the herb of the sphere. Inside the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you come again to the underside, for out of it you had been taken; for mud you are, and to mud you shall return.’” (Genesis 3:16-19).

With out the enjoyment of the Lord, males developed counterfeits. We rejoiced in happenstances. We rejoiced in points that launched occasional happiness blended with sorrow. We confused the blessing of God with the blessing of carnal points.


Solomon components out God’s uniqueness: “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He supplies no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22). Not so, the blessing of males.

With the world now steeped in darkness, wealth and riches grew to develop into confused for an plentiful life. Pleasure grew to develop into carnal and peculiar. In ignorance, males spoke mistakenly of the enjoyment of the harvest, the enjoyment of giving and receiving presents, and the enjoyment of proudly proudly owning property.

As Jeremiah laments: “The enjoyment of our coronary coronary heart has ceased; our dance has grew to become mourning. The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we’ve got now sinned!” (Lamentation 5:15-16).

Redemptive Pleasure

Nevertheless one fateful day, an angel appeared to some shepherd tending their flock by night and made a momentous proclamation. God had decided to ship His pleasure once more to the world:

“Behold, I carry you good tidings of good pleasure which shall be to all people. For there’s born to you nowadays throughout the metropolis of David a Saviour, who’s Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11).

What is the clarification for this good pleasure and what does it ought to do with the supply of Jesus Christ?

Jesus is “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). As quickly as we’re rid of the sin, we’re in a position to bask as quickly as as soon as extra throughout the pleasure of the Lord for it was our sin that launched sorrow into the world.

Isaiah foretold this redeeming grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Speaking so far tense as a result of it was already accomplished throughout the spirit, he says: “Completely, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.” (Isaiah 53:4).

This message can be included throughout the Isaiah passage Jesus be taught when he launched his ministry: “The Lord has despatched me to comfort people who mourn, notably in Jerusalem. He despatched me to supply them flowers as a substitute of their sorrow, olive oil as a substitute of tears, and joyous reward as a substitute of broken hearts.” (Isaiah 61:2-3).

In affect, even sooner than going to the cross to take away our sins, Jesus overcame the world. He says to his disciples: “This stuff I’ve spoken to you, that in Me you may need peace. On the planet you need to have tribulation; nonetheless be of fantastic cheer, I’ve overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

What did He use to beat the world? He overcame the world with the enjoyment of the Lord.

Overcoming Pleasure

The Bible says: “For the enjoyment that was set sooner than Him (Jesus) endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down on the correct hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2).

Jesus overcame the world with the enjoyment God, the Father, set sooner than Him. He then asks us to beat with the enjoyment He items sooner than us. That’s the enjoyment of spending eternity with God in heaven. The enjoyment arising from our hope of salvation is henceforth to supply the power for us to endure and overcome every state of affairs and adversity we face.

When Jesus was going to the cross and His disciples had been sorrowful, He alerted them that His crucifixion would end by giving them the enjoyment of the Lord, and this pleasure may very well be endlessly:

“Subsequently, you now have sorrow; nonetheless I will see you as soon as extra and your coronary coronary heart will rejoice, and your pleasure no one will take from you.” (John 16:22).

Thus, when He rose from the ineffective, the very very first thing He talked about to them was: “Rejoice.” (Matthew 28:9).

Sooner than then, He warned them that their pleasure must never as soon as extra be the counterfeit pleasure of the world, which on a regular basis ends in sorrow. Henceforth, their pleasure ought to be the enjoyment of salvation.

Even as soon as that they had been joyful that the evil spirits had been matter to them throughout the title of Jesus, He says to them: “Do not rejoice on this, that the spirits are matter to you, nonetheless moderately rejoice on account of your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20).

Pleasure is a fruit of the Holy Spirit which people who accept Christ as Saviour get hold of. (Galatians 5:22).

Holy Spirit

The gospel is nice info, nonetheless sadly most Christians are socialised on harmful info. No jobs, no electrical power, no water, extreme prices, and highschool expenses. Nevertheless all this pales into insignificance after we recognise that we now have the enjoyment of the Lord.

After we do, we are going to: “Rejoice on a regular basis.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16). We are going to: “Rely all of it pleasure when (we) fall into assorted trials. (James 1:2). We are going to rejoice and be exceedingly glad after we’re persecuted for Christ’s sake. (Matthew 5:11-12).

We are going to rejoice and leap for pleasure when males hate us, exclude us, and revile us. (Luke 6:22-23). We are going to rejoice after we share in Christ’s sufferings. (1 Peter 4:13). We are going to: “Joyfully (accept) the plundering of (our) gadgets, determining that (we) have a better and an eternal possession for (ourselves) in heaven. (Hebrews 10:34).

Thus, Hezekiah knowledgeable the Jewish exiles who returned to rebuild the partitions of Jerusalem throughout the Outdated Testament: “Do not sorrow, for the enjoyment of the Lord is your power.” (Nehemiah 8:10).;

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